Welcome to The Nutrition Nook at RDPA, where we are dedicated to nurturing your body, mind, and soul with a holistic approach to health.

We recognize the profound connection between mind/body and prioritize enhancing your relationship with food, viewing it as both nourishment and a means of fostering connection. As registered dietitians, we understand that true wellness extends far beyond just the food on your plate. Let us guide you on a journey towards improved well-being, focusing on intuitive eating and movement, while fostering a positive relationship with food.

Our team of highly trained, Registered Dietitians are available for a fee-based consultation service for individual counselling and group based workshops.

What is a Registered Dietitian?

Registered Dietitians (RDs) are food and nutrition experts who have completed extnsive education and training. They take complex nutrition science and turn it into simple, practical advice for healthy living. RDs are trained to understand and address nutritional problems and they tailor their advice to fit each person's specific needs and preferences.

The Non-Diet Approach

At The Nutrition Nook, we support a non-diet approach to health and wellness. Unlike traditional diets that focus on strict rules and restrictions, our approach emphasizes:

1. Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is about listening to your body's hunger and fullness signals, and enjoying your cravings without guilt. It helps you trust yourself and develop a healthy relationship with food. Our registered dietitians will guide you through this journey, helping you find joy in eating and making peace with food.

2. Improving Your Relationship with Food

We understand that food is not just fuel; Food is more than just fuel; it is part of our culture, traditions, and social life. We aim to help you build a positive relationship with food, free from guilt and shame. We'll work with you to challenge harmful thoughts and behaviors about food, promoting self-compassion and acceptance.

3. Supporting Intuitive Movement

Exercise should be enjoyable, not a punishment. We believe in intuitive movement, which means finding physical activities that you love and that make you feel good. Whether it's dancing, hiking, or yoga, our team will help you discover activities that nourish your body and soul without the pressure of strict exercise routines.

How We Can Help

At The Nutririon Nook, we offer personalized nutrition counseling, group workshops, and educational resources to support your journey towards holistic wellness. Our registered dietitians will partner with you every step of the way, empowering you to make sustainable changes that honor your body and health goals.

Are you ready to embrace a non-diet approach to health and well-being? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.


Discovery Call (Free):

A discovery call with a registered dietitian is a free 15-minute phone conversation. During this call, the dietitian will explain the services they offer, get to know you, and understand your needs and goals. It’s a chance for you to ask questions and see if their approach is a good fit for you. This call helps both you and the dietitian decide how to best work together to improve your health and nutrition.

Intitial Assessment ($160 + gst):

An initial assessment is a 60-minute session where a dietitian looks at your health and nutrition. They will ask about your medical history, eating habits, lifestyle, and health goals. Using this information, they will help you set realistic, personalized goals and create a nutrition plan just for you. The dietitian will also explain how your eating habits affect your health and give you practical tips for making healthier choices. This assessment is the first step towards reaching your nutrition and wellness goals.

Follow Up Nutrition Assessment ($75 + GST):

A nutrition follow-up appointment is a shorter session (30 - 40 minutes) where you and your dietitian review your progress since your last visit. The dietitian will check how well you're sticking to your nutrition plan, discuss any challenges you're facing, and make any needed adjustments to your plan. This is also a time for you to ask questions and get further support to help you stay on track with your health goals.